Traduction To seek

to seek: chercher, rechercher


He seeks the truth. Il cherche la vérité.

Bruno is desperately seeking Susan (Bliss). Bruno recherche désespérément Susan (Bliss).

Notons que ce verbe est irrégulier :

I seek / I sought / I have sought

Pronunciation examples

UK: The verb « to seek » is irregular: seek/sought/sought.

US: Seek and ye shall find.


  • « You’ll find the answers you are seeking within.« 
  • « I saw your ad on Craigsboard and I am seeking a roommate.« 
  • « Accomplished singer/songwriter seeks to work in an accounts department.« 
  • « The Delavigne Corporation, a worldwide leader in cosmetics, seeks an experienced, qualified professional to manage the new customer service department in San Francisco.« 
  • « You should seek mental help.« 
  • « At this particular point in time, I will make it public that you, Philip Cheeter, the most macho of Delavigne employees, are currently seeking psychological help.« 
  • « I am actively seeking an executive assistant opportunity in a demanding, fast-paced, multi-tasking environment such as the Delavigne Corporation.« 
  • « Chuk-Chuk : Brother Jones, sometimes the answer you are seeking is the question itself.« 
  • « I left my small village in Guanajuato to seek a fortune for my family.« 
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