Traduction To hold

to hold (something): tenir, maintenir quelque chose


Please hold my hand, I’m scared. S’il-te-plaît, tiens-moi la main, j’ai peur.

Notons que ce verbe est irrégulier :

I hold / I held / I have held

to hold a position: occuper un poste


Bruno has held the position of CEO at the Delavigne Corp. for over 25 years. Bruno occupe le poste de PDG chez Delavigne depuis plus de 25 ans.

to hold a conversation tenir une conversation
to hold a meeting tenir une réunion
Hold the phone! Ne vous précipitez pas!
hold the line Ne raccrochez pas

(The competition is) being held (in Australia): (La compétition est) organisée (en Australie)


Pronunciation examples

UK: I am too drunk to hold a conversation.

US: Please hold my hand, I’m scared.


  • « I have held this position for more than ten years, but am just now taking over your account from Luke Gabriels, who has moved on to other challenges in this industry.« 
  • « After six months of record sales, Philip was awarded the position of Director, which he held ever since.« 
  • « If you turn off your light, I’ll hold your hand.« 
  • « Further to our conversation, here is a brief summary of the current policy you hold with Ouch Insurance.« 
  • « (A handkerchief held in front of the mouth and nose would work out at just 40 cents per unit.« 
  • « Why don’t you hold hands?« 
  • « Edward : They can wave to a friend or hold power tools.« 
  • « Wow, I’m holding an E-Phone!« 
  • « And where are the Olympic games being held this year, Lotsa?« 
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