Le mot anglais de juillet 2021: « FLOOD »
Chaque mois, Form@nglais et son partenaire Gymglish vous propose d’explorer un mot de la une, en anglais.
Ce mois-ci découvrons le mot anglais: « FLOOD«
A flood: An overflow of water on land.
A flood (of emotions): an overwhelming quantity (of emotions).
To flood (with water, phone calls): to overwhelm with water, phone calls
Floods in the news
This month, flooding devastated parts of Western Europe, following similar climate events including frogs, locusts, hail, darkness and the killing of the firstborn.
The disaster has sparked a flood of questions as to how climate change affects natural disasters. Hint: not well.
Flood solutions
Build an Ark: Worked for Noah and a pair of heterosexual llamas.
Umbrella, hat & rain jacket: Always look sharp for extinction level events.
Escape to space: Hey, it’s not just for astronauts anymore, it’s for billionaires too!
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