Termes interrogatifs courants
Termes interrogatifs courants :
What? Que ? Quoi ? What are you doing? Who? Qui ? Who is this boy? Where? Où ? Where are you going? When? Quand ? When does the train arrive? Why? Pourquoi ? Why is Bruno angry? How? Comment ? How is your Dad? How much? How many? Combien ? How many children do you have? Which? Quel ? Lequel ? Which of the following is correct? Whose? A qui ? (possession) Whose pencil is this? How est souvent suivi d’un adjectif ou adverbe :How long have you been married? Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous marié ?How far is the Golden Gate Bridge from here? Quelle distance y a-t-il d’ici au Golden Gate Bridge?How often does Kevin go to Asia? A quelle fréquence Kevin se rend-t-il en Asie?How many times must I tell you to clean up your desk? Combien de fois faut-il que je te dise de ranger ton bureau?How old are you? Quel âge as-tu?How tall are you? Combien mesures-tu?How come? Comment ça se fait? (langue peu soignée)