Le mot anglais de Juin 2020: « MATTER »
Chaque mois, Form@nglais et son partenaire Gymglish vous propose d’explorer un mot de la une, en anglais.
Ce mois-ci découvrons le mot anglais: « MATTER »

Matter: physical substance that occupies space.
A matter: a subject or issue.
To matter: to be of importance, to be significant.
Matters in the news
This month, the US put aside trivial matters like Covid and climate change to focus on its first passion: racism.
The filmed murder of George Floyd by American police has sparked global protests under the banner #blacklivesmatter.
Mind over matter
Dark Matter: Theoretical substance believed to make up 85% of the known universe. The other 15%? A matter of mystery.
Gray Matter: Informal term for « brains ». We opened up our heads to confirm the color because we’re smart.
Expressions that matter
What’s the matter with the police? Interactions with them shouldn’t be matters of life or death.
To make matters worse, police react to protests against police brutality with… brutality.
No laughing matter: There’s nothing funny about any of this.
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