Le mot anglais de Mars 2020: « Remote »
Chaque mois, Form@nglais et son partenaire Gymglish vous propose d’explorer un mot de la une, en anglais.
Ce mois-ci découvrons le mot anglais: « remote »
Remote: far away, distant; hidden or secluded.
A remote (control): device used to control something (like a TV) at a distance.
Remote(s) in the news
Due to virulent circumstances, many in the global workforce are discovering the joys of remote working.
While the possibility of a pandemic was once remote, we’re now desperately seeking (the remote) control.
My remote diary
Day 1: This isn’t so bad.
Day 3: I’ve eaten all my toilet paper.
Day 5: I’ve started exercising.
Day 6: I’ve stopped exercising.
Day 9: I no longer believe in pants.
Day 242: My kids remote work for me now. This isn’t so bad.
How to not feel so remote
Facebook: Never mind. Still not remotely interesting.
Cyber dating: If we’re alive 6-8 months from now, I really feel like this could work.
Applaud: Health professionals, shop employees, supply chain workers… everybody except politicians.
Flatten the curve: Who knew we could save the world by staying home?
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