Le mot de Décembre 2019: « Decade »
Chaque mois, Form@nglais et son partenaire Gymglish vous propose d’explorer un mot de la une, en anglais.
Ce mois-ci découvrons le mot anglais: "decade"

Decade (noun): A period of 10 years.
Ex: This decade was my best yet: I wrote 3 novels, quit smoking, got married and turned 11 years old.
Decade in the news
As 2019 draws to a close, so does a decade.
For some, it ends on a decadent note with champagne and goose liver.
Years in words
Year (365 days): the time it takes the Earth to orbit the moon 7 times, according to one drunk 10 year old.
Century (100 years): Enough time to strip the Earth of about half of its natural resources.
Millenium (1000 years) The recommended time to wait after eating to go swimming.
Notable Decades
1920s: Women’s suffrage! The Great Depression! Prohibition! Jazz! Picasso!
1960s: Mao! Sex, Drugs & Rock n’Roll! Beatlemania! Vietnam! Moon stuff!
1980s: Gorbachev! Chernobyl! The PC! Star Wars! AIDS! Aerobics!
2010s: #MeToo! Streaming! Selfies! Trump! Fake News! Greta! The Word of the Month!
Happy New Decade!
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